Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7

I think my resume website was good but could have been a lot better. I definitely could have added more details and more color, but I struggled with the code and wasted a lot of time trying to figure it out. Compared to some people in the class, mine looked bad. But also, compared to some others, it looked good. My website is pretty average. If I could change anything about the way I went about this project, I would have spent more time planning out how I wanted it to look instead of just winging it as I went along. I have really enjoyed working in Photoshop and being able to customize a website on my own because I have never done anything like this before and it feels good to have made an entire website when in the past I wouldn't have even known where to start. It can be extremely frustrating at times, especially when I'm trying to get things to go in the right place, but when it all comes together I feel that the frustration was worth it. I think the skills I've learned during this project will lead me even further into web design, and I'm confident that these skills will help me in the future.

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