Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28

This teacher is trying to get his students to understand that school is not entirely about the learning. It is about facing difficult situations and learning from them, making mistakes and growing from them. He is trying to persuade the students that quitting in school is not only quitting in education, but quitting in life. Every day, we learn something new. Not just math or English or social studies, but we learn about the things around us. The people and the places. We learn about facing fear and enduring pain and standing up for yourself. The "main event" isn't showing up to school and learning about things you don't want to learn about. The "main event" is being strong enough to get out of bed, despite what you are feeling. The "main event" is surrounding yourself with people who will not hesitate to judge you. The "main event" is life, and learning how to live it.

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